Singalong and Story Time Online


Singalong and Story Time Online

from $5.00

Pay as you wish 

NOTE: Our wonderful teacher Emily will be taking a well deserved break this week (June 8th-14th)
We’ll see you next week!

Tuesdays 10:00 - 10:30am 
Thursdays 11:30am - 12pm

Ages 0- 4
This event will be hosted remotely using the Zoom App, not at our physical address.
Meeting ID: 220-293-3716 Password: missemily or Click here.

We are excited to announce that our Singalong & Story-time sessions are now LIVE through Zoom! Please make sure to download the Zoom app beforehand on your computer, tablet or smart phone. Instructions on how to use the App are included below. 

Parents - Please join in on the fun with your kids. The more you participate, the more they will engage! Grab a shaker, scarf, some bubbles or even just pots and pans to drum a beat & singalong with Miss Emily!  

These classes are Pay as you wish. We appreciate your kind contribution as we continue to stay in touch with our wonderful community at La Bodega Studios. 

Please give what you wish with any card using the drop down menu below or the following two options:
Venmo: @Emily-Lynaugh
PayPal / Zelle: 

If you have any difficulties connecting contact , Miguel will be available before and during class to assist with any difficulties you may be having!

Please click here see instructions on how to join our classes using Zoom

Zoom Tips!

1. For a more interactive experience I encourage you to join with your video ON. That way when I see your child participating I will be able to call them out!  

2. When you click the class link and enter class, please click on the three dots (…) in the upper right hand corner and click “Rename”. Enter your child's FIRST name here. This helps to make classes as interactive as possible for your little ones! 

3. Please gather instruments & scarves from around your home before class starts so we can all shake our sillies out together! 

4. Singing along and moving and grooving together at home is essential to making the most of these online classes! Let’s all have some fun :)  

5. Please TAG @missemilysmusic on Instagram with your little ones jamming out during class. she’d love to see everyone getting involved! 

Pay as you Wish:
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Hi from Miss Emily! 

I am a pre-school and beginner piano, violin and music teacher from New Zealand, currently based in Brooklyn. I have a genuine love for educating children through music, particularly to provide young children with the basis for and interest in future music participation and learning. 

My experience includes years of nannying, teaching private and group music lessons, and as a music counselor at French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts in upstate NY. With a strong dance background I now find enjoyment practicing yoga at home and in my local bikram studio.